Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today's Catastrophes.

It seems like every morning when I wake up and turn on the t.v. there has been another disaster, or some sort of catastrophe. Every day my heart goes out to so many people. Seeing these things happen to so many people really make me appreciate the life I have. The latest tragedy has occured close to home though and has changed my life.

West Virginia Mine Explosion

29 brave men lost their lives last week in a mine explosion, the worst mining accident in 40 years. West Virginia is mining country, everyone living here knows someone who mines or is related to a miner. Every single West Virginian has been affected by this. I have always said since I was little that I cannot wait to get out of WV and move to a big city, but after the past week my mind has changed completly. Never in my life have I seen people come together like West Virginians do. It simply amazes me. It has made me realize how we are pretty much one HUGE family, no other state would come together like that. The twenty-nine families will never be alone, there will always be people around to help them. I know we all wish that this never happened and it is just a horrible dream, but out of that tragedy we have found family, friends, and support for a life time. I may not have known any of the miners personally, but I did know some of their loved ones and they are such strong people, I know they can make it through this. My condolences goes out to all the families.

"You are pulled from the wreckage, of your silent reverie. You're in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort there"

R.I.P you brave, brave souls

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