Friday, April 30, 2010


Our topic today is how we feel about blogging for this game. I personally love to blog, I have a few on another site that I try to blog on regularly.

Blogging helps you express how you are feeling, and creating a game can become very aggrivating. Blogging about what you have done that week lets you get out your frustration with out having to complain to your team members or other class mates, that can just make them aggrivated, then its just a big mess.

I also liked blogging about the topics we covered because could go back and see what I had problems with an what I grapsed on to quicky. I like being able to go back and see how I felt about something after I learned how to do it easily.
Blogging also shows your creativity, something that I believe everyone should express. Everyone has their own personality in their writing and blogging is just another way to show that.

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