Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In Preperation for the game

Our game is finally finished and I am SO happy. It took such a long time, but now we have to get our presentation ready. We have about a month left to make it perfect.
For our presentation we are making a power point. So far we have 5 or 6 slides compeltely done; entrance, pictures, video, and animation. The slides are about deciding on what type of game, our paper prototype, deciding on job, planning and our title page. Making this is something that I am good at. I think our presentation will be great. We are taking it slow since we have a month left to make sure we have everything.

This has been a fun expirience, I'm not sure if I would want to go through it all again, but it was enjoyable (at times). I could not have made the game alone I know that for a fact. My team is pretty amazing.

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