Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Coolest Thing About Adding Animation.

the coolest thing about animation in my opinion is seeing your drawing come to life. Drawing has always been a passion of mine, though I prefer to draw with my hands not a mouse it is still something I love.

Our game does not have that many drawings but the drawings we do have we worked really hard on. Seeing our game come together and work perfectly is really exciting. I could not have done it alone though so I give a lot of recognition to my partners =]. Without them I know i would not have been able to do it. Thanks

So Far...

So far this has been an interesting experience. I have learned many new things and have enjoyed doing so. I still am not good at coding and honestly I probably never will be, but I try.

I personally hate Flash. I like creating the scene but after that I am at a loss. I have never been very good at things like that though, luckily my other team members are. Maybe as things progress something will click in my head and will understand, but until then I'll just keep staring at the screen wondering how in the world I am going to do this.

Our game is coming along nicely and I think it is very informative. We have many facts that people did not know about. Hopefully it will inform students how important it is to graduate and go to college.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Buttons Buttons Buttons...

Adding buttons to our game was very difficult. It was confusing, I swear I started over at least 10 times. Zhane got the hang of it pretty quick but I on the other hand still have not grasped it. I am trying really hard and everyday I get a little better. Hopefully soon I will be able to do this without even thinking about it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How I plan to use frames and key frames in our game.

Making a game can be very aggrivating, there are many steps you have to follow and do many things. Like when different frames will appear and using key frames which is the transition to the next screen in the game.

In our game (Drew Zhane and myself) we do not really need key frames. We will use hotspots or hyperlinks since there are multiple answers you could choose. we will have many frames though about 29, I know that sounds like a lot but there is a wrong and right to every question. We are having some problems being able to do that. Hopefully though we will get it figured out. This class is really difficult, I think I might be getting a little better, but I'm not positive, but I try and that is all that matters.