Friday, February 19, 2010

Importance of Paper Prototyping

Paper prototyping has been around for a couple decades, and it makes design planning easier and less expensive.
Though it was created in the mid 1980's it did not become popular until the mid 1990's when companies like IBM and Microsoft started using it.

Paper prototyping in our case is creating the scene for each screen along with the possibilities of what can/will happen in the game. You draw each scene and copy it again and again for
each possibility.

There are many benefits for this kind of prototyping like saving money and better games as I have mentioned before. Before game developers would code and begin development first and sometimes after that would be hard to find what was wrong with the coding to fix it now they can see what it is going to look like and then code it and it is easier to find what is wrong and fix it. With that said the games are better created and keep gamers attention.

Doing paper prototyping also saves time because less time is spent trying to solve the problems. It saves a lot of money because companies do not have to pay their employees as much because they do not have to work as long looking for solutions and creating the game.

As you can see paper prototyping is a very good thing without it companies and consumers alike would be wasting money; the companies on time they could save and the consumers on games that are not made as well as they could be. Paper prototyping just helps all around

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mini Game Project

Well I am glad to say that I have finished the mini game project! It took me a while to get the hang of it and lets just say I had a lot of trouble with getting my bunny to work. But the solution was something very simple.

I tried for two days to make my bunny move up and down like it was suppose to but it just wouldn't move. I was starting to get really aggravated. Mrs Cordle, Drew and myself tried to figure out what was wrong, I rewrote and copied the code a couple of times and nothing would work. But finally Drew saw that I had somehow written a code on the bunnyLayer. After I deleted that it worked perfectly, and I just published it on my projects page.
Even though it was really annoying trying to figure out everything I did enjoy creating the movie clip. Its fun to learn something new, you have to remember all the codes and know where to put them. I am looking forward to making the game and seeing how everything works out.

I love to play Mario on my Nintendo DSi and Wii. Mario bros. has been my favorite game since I was little and I'm so glad that I can play it again now. I love going through the little worlds, each one is different.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

One of my favorite blogs to read

One of my favorite blogs to read is Andrew's blog. He gets the point he is trying to tell across and has many details about his topic. He stays on task and doesn't fall behind like other people. He knows what he is doing and always helps if anyone needs it.
Good Job Drew!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Playing to Learn

Yesterday in class we played several games, to see which ones we thought were good games and which ones were not.

The games I enjoyed the most were "StopDisaster"

In this game there are diffrent scenarios you choose from like earthquakes, flash floods, tsumanies, and wild fires. You have diffrent goals in each scenario; like to create evacuation routes for the civilians, and save so many civilians each time.

The second game I liked was "What Would You Do"

This game had diffrent characters you could play as, the characters are related in some way; they were either friends or sorta in relationships. The game has different dicisions you can choose from and each one has different concequences either bad or good.

The games were alike in the way that both had decisions that you had to make that decided life or death. You were responciple for what happened. Yet the "Stop Disaster" game was about natural causes and the "What Would You Do" dealt with a persons' choice that could be changed

I really enjoy learning from these games, they are helping me learn a lot.

Monday, February 1, 2010

cyber safety!

It is so important to be safe while on the internet, well really anywhere. But on the internet many people pretend to be people who they really arn't, and that can be really scary. A murderer, pedophile, or just a creepy old man could pretend to be a cute 17 year old guy who a girl has always dreamed of . Most of the time the girl will believe the person and the worst of things could happen. The internet isn't dangerous just because of this though, there are con-artists and hackers that can find out information on you without you even knowing like phishing codes.

The best way to stay safe is to not give out your address or other personal information, there is technology where you can find someone by just knowing their phone number. Never put your credit card number on the web unless it is a a secure site (a lock icon at the bottom of the screen.)And keep a paper trial of your transactions. If you are talking to someone online never ever meet them unless you have parent's permission or have someone to accompany you. Do not upload pictures of yourself to send to them either, or let your friends post pictures. When something is put on the internet it is there forever, and anyone can see it even years and years later.

for more information you can visit these sites: